Découvrez Voice Cloner LALAL.AI!Créez votre jumeau vocal numérique!

Refund Policy

We provide free previews to let you fully evaluate our AI stem separation service before you make a purchase decision. The splitting quality on free and paid versions is the same.

Please use the free version before purchasing a package to make sure that you are satisfied with the quality.

Once the code for the package is activated and minutes are used, no refunds can be given. We have this policy since it would be impossible for a customer to return the purchased package.

We provide a full refund in the following cases:

  • A user constantly encounters an error that is preventing them from using our service properly, and we fail to fix it within 30 days.
    Note: in this case, a refund is issued if our development team is provided with all the requested information (screenshots of error messages, file samples, etc.).
  • A user accidentally bought the package more than once, and minutes were not used from that package.
  • A user couldn’t activate the code.

We reserve the right to decline refund requests in the following cases:

  • A user decides to cancel the purchase without giving any particular reasons.
  • A user claims to expect features never stated on our website.
  • Processing the file in full means agreeing with the quality provided by the service preview.

If you are having an issue with the service, please contact our support team (support@lalal.ai) before requesting a refund: our company cares about user feedback, and all the messages (issue reports, suggestions, other inquiries) are answered within 24 to 48 hours.

If you disagree with our grounds for refund refusal, you can contact your bank and initiate a chargeback.

Once a refund or chargeback is processed, you will not be able to use the purchased package.

Last update : 21.10.2024

Copyright © OmniSale GMBH.

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