================================================================================ POST /api/upload/ Uploads a file to the server. The file will be deleted in a day. Parameters (http headers): Content-Disposition: "attachment; filename=" -- a name of the file (see rfc6266). Authorization: "license " -- a user license, required Returns (json): { "status": "success" | "error" "id": uploaded file id if the status is "success" "size" (int): the media file size in bytes if the status is "success" "duration" (float): the media file duration in seconds if the status is "success" "expires" (int): file expiration time in Unix epoch format with UTC timezone if the status is "success" "error": Error description if the status is "error" } Examples: $ curl --url https://www.lalal.ai/api/upload/ --data-binary @any_file.mp3 --header "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=any_file.mp3" --header "Authorization: license 14abcde0" {"status": "success", "id": "9a3ae258-7693-4046-87c2-ef577eb752bb", "duration": 435.05} $ curl --url https://www.lalal.ai/api/upload/ --data-binary @any_file.mp3 {"status": "error", "error": "No file name (use the Content-Disposition header)"} Notes: Upload limit is 2Gb if a request has a valid license in the Authorization header otherwise 1Gb ================================================================================ POST /api/upload/multipart/create/ Initializes multipart upload. Parameters (form-urlencoded): file_name (str): the file name parts_count (int): the number of parts to upload, could be calculated as file_size / part_size (5Mb for example) Returns (json): { "file_id": the file id "upload_id": an upload id to use in complete_multipart_upload method "upload_urls": a list of presigned urls to upload parts } Example: curl -X POST --url "https://www.lalal.ai/api/upload/multipart/create/" --data-urlencode "file_name=FN.mp3" --data-urlencode "parts_count=3" ================================================================================ POST /api/upload/multipart/complete/ Complets multipart upload. Parameters (form-urlencoded): file_id (str): the file id upload_id (str): the upload id from the create_multipart_upload Returns (json): { "status": "success" | "error" "id": uploaded file id if the status is "success" "name": uploaded file name if the status is "success" "size" (int): the media file size in bytes if the status is "success" "duration" (float): the media file duration in seconds if the status is "success" "expires" (int): file expiration time in Unix epoch format with UTC timezone if the status is "success" "error": Error description if the status is "error" } Example: curl -X POST --url "https://www.lalal.ai/api/upload/complete/" --data-urlencode "file_id=fid" --data-urlencode "upload_id=uid" ================================================================================ POST /api/split/ Puts a file or multiple files in the split queue (full media file splitting). If muptiple files passed and user have any paid license - batch processing automatically will start Parameters (http headers): Authorization: "license " -- a user license, required Parameters (form-urlencoded): params (str): json encoded list of dict with split arguments: id (str): File id obtained from /upload/ method. splitter (str, optional): The type of neural network used to split audio. Possible values are 'phoenix', 'orion' or 'perseus'. If parameter is not provided - automatically choose most effective splitter for selected stem. Perseus stems: ('vocals', 'voice', 'drum', 'piano', 'bass', 'electric_guitar', 'acoustic_guitar') Orion stems: ('vocals', 'voice', 'drum', 'piano', 'bass', 'electric_guitar', 'acoustic_guitar') Phoenix stems: ('vocals', 'voice', 'drum', 'piano', 'bass', 'electric_guitar', 'acoustic_guitar', 'synthesizer', 'strings', 'wind') stem (str, optional): Split source track to track with selected stem and back track. One of ("vocals", "voice", "drum", "bass", "piano", "electric_guitar, "acoustic_guitar", "synthesizer", "strings", "wind"). "vocals" by default. dereverb_enabled (bool, optional): Enable or disable dereverberation. Default is false. enhanced_processing_enabled (bool, optional): Enable enhanced processing for the track. Default is true. All stems, except "voice" noise_cancelling_level (int, optional): Noise cancelling level for "voice" stem. Possible values are 0 -- mild, 1 -- normal (default), 2 -- aggressive. Returns (json): { "status": "success" | "error" "error": Error description if the status is "error" } Examples: $ curl --url https://www.lalal.ai/api/split/ --header "Authorization: license 14abcde0" --form-string 'params=[{"id": "9a3ae258-7693-4046-87c2-ef577eb752bb", "filter": 2, "stem": "piano"}, {"id": "a1d5ebb6-208a-47fd-99b7-891ba5d9d6e6", "stem": "vocals"}]' {"status": "success"} $ curl --url https://www.lalal.ai/api/split/ --form-string 'params=[{"id=9a3ae258-7693-4046-87c2-ef577eb752bb"}]' {"status": "error", "error": "No lisence (use Authorization header)"} ================================================================================ POST /api/cancel/ Cancels the current task and sets the status to canceled for the task, if it exists and is running. Parameters (http headers): Authorization: license -- a user license, optional (if there is no license it is necessary to use csrf tokens) Parameters (form-urlencoded): id (str): Comma separated file ids obtained from /upload/ method. Returns (json): { "status": "success" | "error" "error": Error description if the status is "error" } Examples: $ curl --url https://www.lalal.ai/api/cancel/ --header "Authorization: license 14abcde0" --form-string "id=9a3ae258-7693-4046-87c2-ef577eb752bb,a1d5ebb6-208a-47fd-99b7-891ba5d9d6e6" {"status": "success"} $ curl --url https://www.lalal.ai/api/cancel/ --header "Authorization: license 14abcde0" --form-string "id=9a3ae258-7693-4046-87c2" {"status": "error", "error": "Invalid file id"} ================================================================================ POST /api/check/ Gets the file info, results of preview, split, batch, task's statuses, etc. Parameters (http headers): Authorization: "license " -- a user license, required Parameters (form-urlencoded): id (str): Comma separated file ids obtained from /upload/ method. Returns (json): { "status": "success" | "error" "result": { "file_id_1": { "status": "success" | "error" "name": the file name if the status is "success" "size": the file size in bytes if the status is "success" "duration": estimated file duration in seconds if the status is "success" "splitter": "phoenix" | "orion" "stem": stem option if the status is "success". one of ("vocals", "drum", "bass", "piano", "electric_guitar", "acoustic_guitar", "synthesizer"). "vocals" by default. "preview" (nullable): { "duration": actual duration in seconds for preview "stem": stem option for preview, "stem_track": a url of preview stem, "stem_track_size" (int): stem file size in bytes, "back_track": a url of preview back track, "back_track_size" (int): back track file size in bytes, }: if the status is "success" and the preview task has successfully completed "split" (nullable): { "duration": actual duration in seconds for split "stem": stem option for split, "stem_track": a url of stem, "stem_track_size" (int): stem file size in bytes, "back_track": a url of back track, "back_track_size" (int): back track file size in bytes } if the status is "success" and the split task with PAID license has successfully completed "player" (nullable): { "stem_track": a url of preview stem, "stem_track_size" (int): stem file size in bytes, "back_track": a url of preview back track, "back_track_size" (int): back track file size in bytes }: if the status is "success" and the split task with STARTER license has successfully completed "task" (nullable): { "state": "success" | "error" | "progress" | "cancelled", "error" (nullable): Error description if the state is "error", "progress" (int, nullable): a task progress (0..100) if the state is "progress", } if the status is "success" and some task has been invoked "error": Error description if the status is "error" }, "file_id_2": { ... }, "archive" (nullable): { "status": "waiting" | "success" | "error" "url": url to download the archive "size": archive file size "error": if the status is "error" } if user uses website } } Examples: $ curl --url https://www.lalal.ai/api/check/ --form-string "id=9a3ae258-7693-4046-87c2-ef577eb752bb,a1d5ebb6-208a-47fd-99b7-891ba5d9d6e6" --header "Authorization: license 14abcde0" { "status": "success", "result": { '9a3ae258-7693-4046-87c2-ef577eb752bb': {"status": "success", "name": "song.mp3", ...}, 'a1d5ebb6-208a-47fd-99b7-891ba5d9d6e6': {"status": "error", "error": "Invalid extension",}, } } $ curl --url https://www.lalal.ai/api/check/ --form-string "id=123123!" --header "Authorization: license 14abcde0" {"status": "error", "error": "Invalid file id"} ================================================================================ GET /billing/get-limits/?key= Summary user limits. Parameters (query string): key (str): a license key. Returns (json): { "status": "success" | "error", "error": Error description if the status is "error", "option": current user option, "email": user email, "process_duration_limit" (float): total tracks duration limit in minutes, "process_duration_used" (float): total processed tracks duration in minutes, "process_duration_left" (float): total tracks duration left in minutes, } Examples: $ curl --url https://www.lalal.ai/billing/get-limits/?key=d5394d17" {"status": "success", "option": "Plus", "email": "user@mail.com", ... $ curl --url https://www.lalal.ai/billing/get-limits/?key=d539" {"status": "error", "error": "License not found"}